Our heartfelt thanks to all who joined The Kitchen Board and staff at our 2024 AGM and member dinner. It meant so much to us all to be together in person, and to have had such a good turn out of volunteers, supporters, and participants. The member’s dinner was made with care by volunteer, Chef Mark Davie, and our summer staff team, Keegan, Claire, Jack, and Lucy, with generous sponsorship from our partners, Sysco Foods and Gordon Food Services. We are so thankful for our incredible sponsors and our hard-working team who made our delicious meal possible. Each component of the dinner showcased a recipe that was part of our 2023 Food Skills Programs or Pantry to Plate Features.
The Annual General Meeting highlighted the Shelbourne Community Kitchen’s many achievements, challenges, and innovations from 2023, and celebrated the tremendous contributions of our many dedicated volunteers. Clarice Dillman (Board Chair), led the proceedings with ease and humour, Cathy Flikweert (Treasurer) reported on the financials, and Kim Cummins (Director of Operations) reviewed the organization’s programs and impact from the year. Together, Clarice and Kim shared Phase 2 construction updates of the much anticipated commercial kitchen and exciting details of the organization’s plans for the remainder of 2024.
We want to thank the many volunteers who helped with preparations for the event, our Board of Directors, our staff team, Chef Scott Doust from Sysco Foods, and Lutheran Church of the Cross for donating their space for the AGM.
Please join us in sharing our deep gratitude and a heart-felt goodbye to retiring Board Members, Lisa Richardon, Jason McMillan, and Board Chair, Clarice Dillman. Lisa will remain as Chair of the Grant Writing team. Clarice will remain as Past-Chair, supporting the transition for our new board members and board chair.
Please join us in welcoming Jennefer Byrne, Rae Franklin, and Bruce Winter to the Board of Directors.
The connection between the members and supporters of the Shelbourne Community Kitchen goes back to the beginning and continues to inspire and guide our work.
In community spirit,
-Clarice Dillman, Past-Chair
-Kim Cummins, Director of Operations